Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) – “a crisis in public health”
It is a disturbing fact for practitioners that doctor-induced illness represents 6.5% of acute admissions to hospital. A 2006 report published by the Board of Science of the British Medical Association (BMA) estimates that 250,000 people a year are admitted to hospital suffering harmful effects after taking drugs mainly prescribed by doctors in primary care, with a cost to the NHS of about £466 million a year. If one included those not admitted to hospital, involuntary addicts to prescribed medication and those who die due to organ failure, suicide or avoidable accident while suffering adverse drug reactions (ADRs), the human and financial cost would be far in excess of the BMA estimate.
The incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions has, until now, remained relatively unchanged over time. It is the product of greater complexity in therpeutics, an ageing population and rising multimorbidity.
This situation flies in the face of the principle of ‘First do no harm’. In endeavouring to deliver the very best healthcare to patients, ADRs appear to be the price to be paid.
Click here to read more about the devastating effects of ADRs both to patients and to healthcare providers>>
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Fight back against ADRs
Shine a light on prescribing for complex healthcare needs
Quantum Satis
Turning the tide on ADRs
The power of QS AI
Quantum Satis is a powerful AI-based medical evaluation tool which supports decision-making at doctor/patient consultations. It reveals potential drug combination issues regardless of the complexity of the proposed or existing drug regime of that patient. It can reveal drug specific indicators (such as inappropriate drugs, drug duplication, drug-drug interactions etc) and diagnosis specific indicators (drug-disease interactions, contraindications etc).
It can quickly identify, collate and present its analysis in a clear and intuitive format. It interrogates the relevant drug combination data from across the multiple datasets available to your organisation, including individual patient history, physiology and symptoms.
Real-time, multi-dataset analysis
Quantum Satis can be used to assess proposed drug therapies to finesse a course of treatment and to highlight the potential for hidden conflicts inherent in that proposal. Or it can be used to review a patient’s existing drug constellation to rule in/out the potential for ADRs being a cause of underlying health issues.
Quantum Satis can do all this in real time at the point of delivery.
Organisation-wide benefits
Now you can play your part in turning the tide against ADRs across the globe and deliver demonstrably better healthcare to your patients. ADRs no longer have to be the price we pay for being able to counter the increasingly complex healthcare needs with which our patients present.
Supporting a value-added offer
Quantum Satis can also provide a genuine value add for those in private practice, bringing a cutting-edge and visible healthcare tool to your patients and helping you differentiate your service.
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The massive Adverse Drug Reaction problem encountered globally by healthcare organisations
Annual rise in hospital admissions due to ADRs
United Kingdom
Globally, preventable medication errors cost over $1 trillion each year, of which the U.S. economy alone incurs $21 billion.
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are among the leading causes of additional complications and longer hospital stays, morbidity and mortality.
It has been estimated that ADRs are the 4th largest cause for mortality in the USA, resulting in the deaths of several thousands of patients each year. National USA Vital Statistics System data showed that from 1999 to 2006, the rate of ADR-related deaths increased from 0.08 to 0.12 per 100,000 persons.
It is estimated that up to 70% of ADRs leading to emergency department visits are preventable, with some countries spending up to 15-20% of their healthcare budgets treating otherwise avoidable ADRs.
The strain that ADRs place on the health care system is significant yet preventable.